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  • Q & A | MindandSoulCoaching

    Q & A-Sessions Q & A - Sessions sind für alle da, die einen meiner Workshops oder Kurs zur Selbstanwendung mit Logosynthese besucht haben und gerne Fragen zur Anwendung besprechen können. Zum Beispiel: Wie identifiziere ich den Auslöser, oder wie formuliere ich ihn für die Sätze. Auch eine von mir geführte Anleitung ist möglich. ​ Ausserdem sind die Q&As eine grosse Hilfe, um das Gelernte im Alltag ein- und umsetzen zu können. Dieses Format ist auf Wunsch meiner Teilnehmer entstanden, weil sie "dranbleiben" wollten, auch wenn der Workshop oder der Kurs vorbei ist. Ein Q&A dauert 90 Minuten und ist online. Damit kannst du bequem von zu Hause aus deine persönliche Weiterentwicklung verfolgen. Selbstverständlich kannst du auch inkognito (mit ausgeschalteter Kamera) teilnehmen, wenn du dies wünschst. Du kannst die Sessions einzeln oder in 3er-Blöcken buchen und beliebig einlösen. Pro Session sind es maximal 6 Teilnehmer (first come first served), damit genügend Zeit ist für Fragen und plus 1 von mir geführte Anleitung (wenn gewünscht). Die Sessions ersetzen bei tiefgreifenden Themen kein Coaching, ist aber sehr geeignet für Alltags-Trigger und können viel Energie freisetzen! Noch freie Daten: (Immer am letzten Samstag des Monats) April 27 Mai 25 Juni 29 ​ Kosten und Anmeldung: Einzeln CHF 49.00, 3 Q&A-Sessions im Bundle CHF 139.00 Anmeldung per SMS oder Mail mit dem/den gewünschten Daten. Die Plätze füllen sich nach dem Prinzip "first come first serve", das heisst, du kannst dich für drei frei wählbare Daten anmelden, und sobald 6 Teilnehmer in einer Q&A sind, wird die Gruppe geschlossen. Dann erhältst du eine Rückmeldung von mir per SMS. Zahlung per Twint 076 335 15 40, Überweisung oder PayPal. Die Anmeldung ist erst gültig nach Eingang der Zahlung und meiner Rückbestätigung.

  • Kurse | MindandSoulCoaching

    Kurse Einführung in die Logosynthese In diesem Kurs lernst du die Logosynthese® kennen. Einführung in die Logosynthese für Coaches Als Coach weisst du, wie wichtig es ist, den Raum für seine Klienten öffnen zu können und nicht mit ihren Themen in Resonanz zu gehen. ​ Hier hilft dir die Logosynthese, deine eigenen Trigger zu finden und aufzulösen, sodass du in vollkommener Präsenz für deine Klienten da sein kannst. Einführung in die Logosynthese für Eltern Dies ist ein Textabschnitt. Klicke auf „Text bearbeiten” oder doppelklicke auf das Textfeld, um den Inhalt deinen Bedürfnissen anzupassen. Füge relevante Infos für deine Besucher hinzu. Leistungsname Dies ist ein Textabschnitt. Doppelklicke auf das Textfeld, um den Inhalt individuell anzupassen. Leistungsname Dies ist ein Textabschnitt. Doppelklicke auf das Textfeld, um den Inhalt individuell anzupassen. Füge relevante Infos für deine Besucher hinzu. Besucher interessieren sich für deinen Hintergrund. Erzähle ihnen mehr über dich und die Entstehungsgeschichte deines Unternehmens und lasse sie an deinem Weg teilhaben. Leistungsname Dies ist ein Textabschnitt. Doppelklicke auf das Textfeld, um den Inhalt individuell anzupassen.

  • Workshops | MindandSoulCoaching

    Workshops - Online In 90min erfährst du mehr über das jeweilige Thema und kannst - ganz inkognito und im eigenen Zuhause - einen Trigger identifizieren und mit Logosynthese® auflösen. ​ Du erhältst zusätzlich pdf-Materialien zur Vor- und Nachbereitung, eine kurze geführte Meditation oder Übung zum jeweiligen Thema sowie die Möglichkeit, nachfolgend an den Workshop in der Q&A-Gruppe (90min) weiter an deinen Themen zu arbeiten - natürlich von mir persönlich betreut. ​ Du hast die Auswahl zwischen 4 möglichen Daten pro Thema pro Monat. Jeweils am letzten Samstag des Monats ist dann zusätzlich die Möglichkeit für das Q&A, wo alle Themen möglich sind. ​ ​ Jeder Workshop/Q&A ist in sich abgeschlossen und kostet CHF 49.00, zahlbar per Twint, PayPal oder Überweisung bei Anmeldung. Nach deiner Anmeldung erhältst du die Bestätigung mit Zoom-Link und Material. Schluss mit Selbstsabotage! Passiert dir immer wieder das Gleiche? In wichtigen Gesprächen finden dich die falschen Worte, vor Abschluss einer Arbeit oder eines Projekts wirst du krank. Du kannst nicht Nein sagen, oder dir passieren immer wieder die selben Fehler? Dahinter stehen vielfältige Ursachen wie emotionale Blockaden, ein tiefes Selbstwertgefühl, negative Denkmuster oder Angst vor dem Scheitern. Mit manchmal schwerwiegenden Konsequenzen für Beruf und Beziehungen. Du erfährst hier mehr über diese Ursachen und kannst auch gleich eine dieser Ursachen mit Logosynthese® auflösen. ​ Di 04.6.2024 19.30 Mi 12.6.2024 19.30 Mo 17.6.2024 19.30 Sa 29.6.2024 09.30 Q&A Prokrastination ade! Wer kennt sie nicht - die ewige Aufschieberitis. All die klugen Strategien wie Time Management, die neue Organisations-App, To-Do-Listen, Kanban-Boards helfen nur bedingt, solange die darunterlegenden emotionalen Blockaden nicht gelöst sind. Hier setzen wir in diesem Workshop an. Ich zeige dir, welche Blockaden das sein können, und du wirst Gelegenheit haben, eine davon zu identifizieren und mit Logosynthese® aufzulösen. ​ ​ ​ ​ Di. 09.7.2024 19.30 Mi 17.7.2024 19.30 Mo 22.7.2024 19.30 Sa 27.7.2024 09.30 Q&A 27.7. 09.30 Innerer Kritiker und Saboteure In Vorbereitung für August 2024 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Wenn du dich für dieses Thema interessierst, schreib mir bitte und ich nehme dich sehr gerne auf die Interessentenliste . Nicht *gut* genug Einer der häufigsten Überzeugungen. Dieser Glaubenssatz ist weit verbreitet und steht vielen Menschen im Weg. In diesem Workshop lernst du, wie sich solche Überzeugungen bilden, was sie bewirken können und - wie man sie auflöst! ​ Mo 02.9.2024 19.30 Di 10.9.2024 19.30 Mi 18.9.2024 19.30 Sa 28.9.2024 09.30 Q&A 28.9. 09.30 Die Mutterwunde In Vorbereitung für Oktober. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Wenn du dich für dieses Thema interessierst, schreib mir bitte und ich nehme dich auf die Interessentenliste . Von Ablenkung zu Deep Work In Vorbereitung für November. ​ ​ ​ ​ Wenn du dich für dieses Thema interessierst, schreib mir bitte und ich nehme dich auf die Interessentenliste .

  • Gruppencoaching Ängste Online | MindandSoulCoaching

    Von Angst zu Gelassenheit Angst liegt nie in den Dingen selbst, sondern darin, wie man sie betrachtet. Anthony de Mello ​ Heutzutage sind wir konfrontiert mit diversen Herausforderungen, die nicht in unserer Macht stehen, sei es privat, familiär, global, oder politisch… Dies führt häufig zu Sorgen oder gar Zukunftsängsten. Wenn dich diese Themen zu immer neuen Gedankenspiralen führen, bist du in diesem Webinar richtig. In diesem Gruppencoaching wirst du von drei erfahrenen Coaches während drei Abenden wertschätzend und feinfühlig begleitet. Angelika, Daniela und Karin arbeiten seit Jahren mit guten Erfahrungen mit der Logosynthese®, einem Modell der Energiepsychologie, mit dem die Auslöser deiner Ängste identifiziert und einfach neutralisiert werden können. Damit dieser Prozess in diesen schwierigen Zeiten möglichst vielen Menschen zugänglich gemacht werden kann, haben sich die drei Coaches entschieden, zusammen ein Gruppencoaching mit Logosynthese® anzubieten. Im Gruppencoaching bist du zusätzlich in einer positiven und unterstützenden Gemeinschaft gut aufgehoben, und mit der noch weitgehend unbekannten Methode der Logosynthese® können deine ärgsten Ängste neutralisiert werden. Dein Handlungsspielraum weitet sich, wenn du befreiter in die Zukunft schauen kannst, und du kannst bessere Entscheidungen treffen, die nicht von Ängsten geleitet sind. Das Gruppencoaching umfasst 3 Abende mit insgesamt 5 Stunden: 13.3. 18.00-20.00 Gegenseitiges Kennenlernen von Coaches und Teilnehmer im geschützten Rahmen Kurze Einführung in die Logosynthese® Erster Gruppenprozess mit Logosynthese® 20.3. 18.00-19.30 Integration: Was ist passiert in der Woche seit dem ersten Gruppenprozess? Welche Sorgen/Ängste stehen heute im Vordergrund? Gruppenprozess mit Logosynthese® für diese Sorgen und Ängste 27.3. 18.00-19.30 Integration: Was ist passiert in der Woche seit dem ersten Gruppenprozess? Aktuelle Sorgen/Ängste im Gruppenprozess mit Logosynthese® bearbeiten Integration und Abschluss Wir arbeiten online per Zoom. Nach der Anmeldung erhältst du ein Bestätigungsmail mit dem Zoom-Link und Zahlungsangaben. Am Tag des Gruppencoachings erhältst du nochmals ein Erinnerungsmail mit dem Link. ​ ​ EUR 160.00 / SFR. 160.00 pro Person. Mehr zu Logosynthese® findest du hie r: Mehr zu Angelika von Hubatius findest du hier: Mehr zu Daniela Fenini findest du hier: Anmelden Ich möchte mich für das Gruppencoaching anmelden! Vorname Nachname E-Mail-Adresse Nachricht Definitive Anmeldung Vielen Dank! Willkommen zu mehr Freiheit!

  • What is Coaching? | MindandSoulCoaching

    What is Coaching? " You cannot teach a person. You can only help him discover it within himself." Galileo Galilei ​ ​ ​ ​ Coaching is a guided c hange process . Guided means: You are not alone but have competent support. Change means getting from A to B. The process is the path that you cover. There can be unexpected difficulties, and this is exactly where you get my individual support. I help you activate the solution that you already have within you. The solution is always up to you. My task is to enable you to get out of the hamster wheel of a problem through neutral support and gentle guidance to find your way to your desired change. ​ During the coaching process, unconscious values, potentials and needs are explored and conscious goals and resources are derived from them. ​ How does a coaching work? ​ It's a clear, transparent process. I offer the framework and ask the right questions that will help you and give impulses for clarification. In a free 30-minute conversation, we first clarify whether coaching is something for you and whether the chemistry between us is right. In the first session you come with a topic or a very specific question. Together we determine the goal of the session or process and, if necessary, milestones. We look at what resources you already bring with you and uncover even more. Then we take a closer look at what possible obstacles could be that prevent you from reaching your goal. If available, we also resolve unconscious inner voices of criticism, hidden beliefs and unconscious fantasies so that your energy can flow freely into your goal. Together we will draw up a concrete plan of how and when you want to achieve your goals. You leave the coaching with a feeling of freedom and have a clear and personal plan of action to implement your goals. ​ What do I get from coaching? ​ Above all, clarity. You get an overview of complex topics or questions, you become clear about what you already have available for the solution or possibly still need, you know where you can get these resources from, you have clarity about what could prevent you from the solution and how you can deal with it, and in the end you have a clear plan of action in hand. All of this releases energy for action and gives you courage and self-confidence to implement it in everyday life. ​ ​ What is the difference to psychotherapy or counseling? ​ In psychotherapy , research is mainly done in the past. In coaching we are consistently solution and future-oriented. We too look at blockages that may have come from the past and we can address many of them with modern methods, but we are not therapists. We refer people with deeper psychological problems to qualified specialists with whom we work. This is what our code of honor as coaches and our responsibility to you dictate. ​ Consulting provides you with RAT shock. As coaches, we are deeply convinced that you already have your solution within you. If you have any questions, we will of course be happy to inform you or help you to get information. But we never tell you what we think you should do. Your free will is paramount, and your responsibility for your life is always entirely yours. ​ You have my full support and you have my entire repertoire of methods at your disposal. Of course, you will always receive all the important information relating to your topic. But you will not get any advice from me, because only you know what is right for you at any given time. I enable you to discover this in coaching. ​ How many sessions do I need? ​ Nobody knows in advance. In the first session we determine your goal together, and from this we derive the required number of sessions together. I can assure you that we plan as few sessions as possible, but as many as necessary. Ultimately, however, you always decide how long you want to take advantage of my offer. For larger goals or life issues, several sessions are usually spread over a longer period of time, as this includes deeper and more far-reaching changes. When we come to an agreement, we make a small contract to set out the agreements and cancellation conditions. ​ What does coaching cost and how do I pay? ​ The prices vary depending on the offer. You can find them under my respective offers . You will receive a PayPal link that you can use to make your payment. Or cash or by twint. Coaching is not recognized by health insurance companies. If price is an issue for you, let's talk.

  • Impressum | MindandSoulCoaching

    Imprint Data Protection 8/30/2021 Karin Athanasiou Neugasse 81 8005 Zurich Switzerland Tel +41 76 335 15 40 ​ Disclaimer of liability We do not accept any liability for the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability and completeness of the information. Liability claims against the author or the company due to material or immaterial damage resulting from access to, use or non-use of the published information, from misuse of the connection or from technical malfunctions are excluded. All offers are non-binding. We expressly reserve the right to change, add to, or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer or to temporarily or permanently cease publication without prior notice. Liability for links References and links to third party websites are outside our area of responsibility. It rejected any responsibility for such websites. Access to and use of such websites is at the user's own risk. Copyrights The copyrights and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on the website belong exclusively to Karin Athanasiou or the specifically named rights holders. The written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of any elements. ​ privacy ​ 1. General information We attach great importance to the protection of your data and the protection of your privacy. In the following, we will therefore inform you about the collection and use of personal data when using our website. This privacy policy is published by MindandSoulCoaching. By using our website, you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the following provisions. We would like to point out that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. when communicating by e-mail) can have security gaps. A complete protection of the data against access by third parties is not possible. 2. Data collected by us and the type of use / legal basis for processing When you visit our website, we collect, use and save your personal data. Personal data is information, individual details about personal or factual circumstances, which relate to you or which we as MindandSoulCoaching can bring in connection with you in another way. 3. Data collection in strict compliance with the law / How do we collect your personal data We collect personal data that you have given us voluntarily, for example when you communicate with us via email, post or telephone; when you ask us to send you communications, newsletters or other (marketing) information register for an event / competition; Request services from us; use the online shops on the website; use our contact form or the shopping cart; Communicate via our social media plugins (Facebook, Xing, Linkedin, Google My Business, Google Maps, Instagram, Twitter). 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  • What is Logosynthesis? | MindandSoulCoaching

    Acerca de What is Logosynthesis ® ? Logosynthesis ® is a new, comprehensive system for personal development. It is used in psychotherapy, coaching, counseling and education - and as an aid to self-help. The model supports people in finding their deeply personal path in life. Logosynthesis ® is simple, easy, effective and easy to communicate. The system contains a model, change principles and concrete interventions. Logosynthesis ® is based on the integration of concepts from many schools of change: psychoanalysis, NLP, hypnotherapy, transactional analysis and energy psychology. Experts from different directions therefore recognize the principles of their own school in Logosynthesis ® . However, the combination of the operating principles is surprising and unique. ​ Logosynthesis ® is embedded in a coherent, comprehensive image of man: people are more than body and psyche. A soul, a higher self, an essence is part of the human experience. This essence gives meaning to our life. ​ The body and mind are tools that shape our lives. Many tend to identify with these instruments. They believe they are their emotions, their suffering, their thoughts, their needs. Unpleasant experiences, stressful memories, limiting beliefs and the associated reactions are stored in our energy field. Similar events and encounters reactivate these limiting patterns. By pronouncing specific sentences out loud, these energy structures are dissolved. These sentences have an ordering and liberating effect. The client immediately feels relieved, the stressful images and reactions are energetically exhausted. The energy is flowing and in the right place. Logosynthesis ® helps to re-establish one's connection with the essence and thus to find a deeper meaning in life. ​ ​ Learn Logosynthesis ® You would like to know and experience what Logosynthesis ® is (no prerequisite except for interest and curiosity: Come to my individual coaching , attend a lecture with a demonstration or book my self-coaching course with Logosynthesis ® ​ ​ Further information: Logosynthesis international association LIA ​ What is Logosynthesis ® ? The model is a support in finding your personal path in life. Description as PDF under ​ Video on the subject of "fear of heights" Let's work together Get in touch so we can start working together. first name LastName E-mail Thanks for submitting! Message Send

  • Karin | MindandSoulCoaching

    Hi this is me Karin My vision? Leaving the world a little better behind every day. ​ Self development is one of the three great core values in my life, along with the search for knowledge and the life of love. These values guide me through sunny and stormy times. ​ Many strokes of fate and challenges in life have shown me very early and again and again how important it is to have an inner compass of values in order to transform painful experiences into strength and joie de vivre. I am happy to pass on what has helped me with my heart, mind and passion. I help people to find their true selves in a complex, accelerated world with overstimulation and information overload and to live accordingly. This is what my clients say: Biographical Child and youth coach i. A. and my project: TheHeartSpace Practitioner Logosynthesis ® Instructor Logosynthesis ® Trauma-sensitive coaching Further training in trauma, attachment behavior, autism spectrum disorders, AD (H) D, shadow work Cert. Integral Coach Institute Living Sense Cert. Life Purpose Coach Cert. Existential Well-Being Counselor, University of Leiden Supervisor of the HEART project Course leader at the University of Zurich (support for gifted primary school children) Lateral entry and teaching as a primary school teacher (not completed) English trainer in a business context Adult educator SVEB1 MA in English Linguistics and Literature Studies, Religious Studies, Philosophy Cantonal high school for adults KME KV travel agency 1969 That's what my clients say about my work "Karin accompanied me during several sessions in a phase of professional reorientation, but also coached me in individual sessions before different, specific occasions. Tools not only suited me very well, but also led to positive results and lasting changes. The way in which Karin combined physical and breathing exercises with conversation always had a striking, lasting effect. Sensitive, with heart and a lot of skill Karin gave me exactly the support I needed and I still had the feeling that I could go my own way. I was impressed by how quickly she introduced me to the relevant topics, enabled me to take a close look and guide me in the change process. Anyone who wants to break old patterns and want to move forward is with Karin in competent, safe hands. " Sabine Thank you Karin for your coaching session! How lost you are sometimes in your own thoughts and in what you think you have to do! I really needed a direction and had to find out what I really want in order to advance professionally. Whether I will then succeed is another question. Basically, however, I have enough energy - just "straightening out" the same and admitting my own needs, wishes and dreams - these are the topics for which you gave me space in one hour of consultation. You gave me the opportunity to organize my thoughts by asking the right questions. Thanks a lot for this! ​ Catherine

  • Downloads | MindandSoulCoaching

    perfectionism Test: How Perfectionist Am I? Self-compassion Unknown Track - Unknown Artist 00:00 / 00:00

  • Bewusste Erziehung | MindandSoulCoaching

    Modularer Lehrgang Bewusste Erziehung Dies ist deine Leistungsseite. Es ist die ideale Möglichkeit, um mehr Details zu den angebotenen Leistungen zu teilen. Doppelklicke auf das Textfeld und füge relevante Infos für deine Besucher hinzu. Our Services 1 Modul Bindung Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book. More Info 2 Modul 12 Strategien Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book. More Info 3 Modul Balance der Emotionen Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book. More Info Our Services 1 Service Name Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book. More Info 2 Service Name Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book. More Info 3 Service Name Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book. More Info Ich bin eine Kundenmeinung. Gib Kunden die Möglichkeit, hier eine Bewertung zu dir oder deinen Leistungen hinzuzufügen und ihre Erfahrungen mit anderen Besuchern zu teilen. Ralf Wölbert

  • Self-Coaching Course with Logosynthesis | MindandSoulCoaching

    Self-coaching Course with Logosynthesis ® We all have fears, blockages, and stressful memories of previous "failure situations". Fears of "what could happen". ​ New fears such as fear of vaccination, infection, illness, exclusion, existential fear can also arise in the current situation with Covid-19. ​ Using the groundbreaking, elegant and simple method of Logosynthesis ® you will learn to dissolve these fears and blockages. The Logosynthesis ® was developed by Dr. Willem Lammers develops and works according to the energy principle in the unconscious. A special questioning technique identifies the trigger for stress. The external energy that is bound in this trigger is removed from your system through the utterance of three precise sentences, and your own energy is released. The symptoms dissolve, the energy is flowing again and is at your disposal. Logosynthesis ® works with the power of words and is gentle, quick and sustainable. It is easy to learn and, as a self-coaching method for everyday topics, real empowerment for your further development. Your profit: ​ ​ you will become freer and easier in dealing with professional and private challenges you have a really useful and always applicable tool for your personal development more clarity, more freedom of action ​ In this one-day-course you will learn how you can identify stressful thoughts, obstructive fears and blockages yourself, and dissolve them using the sentences of Logosynthesis ® so that you have all your energy at your disposal in the future. ​ There is also the possibility of a regular, guided practice group after the seminar, if desired. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ Online: Saturday, February 19 (German) Sunday, February 20th (English) 9.00-16.30 CHF 290.00 ​ Monday 28.2./7.3./14.3 . (German; dates in English on demand) 19.00-21.30 CHF 290.00 ​ Face-to-Face Seminar ​ MindandSoulCoaching, Fabrikstrasse 50, 8005 Zurich 9.15-12.00 / 13.00-16.30 CHF 320.00 including room costs, coffee breaks, documents and certificate ​ ​ OBJECTIVES OF THE SELF-COACHING COURSE competent handling of own topics Identify and work through your own topics Get to know the energy concept perceive your own energy Get to know Logosynthesis sentences and apply them properly CONTENTS Introduction to Logosynthesis The power of words Locate and understand obstacles Logosynthesis demonstrations Identification of opportunities for change Yes, please! Yes, please! About me - my vision My vision? Leaving the world a little better behind every day. ​ Self development is one of the three great core values in my life, along with the search for knowledge and the life of love. These values guide me through sunny and stormy times. ​ Many strokes of fate and challenges in life have shown me very early and again and again how important it is to have an inner compass of values in order to transform painful experiences into strength and joie de vivre. I am happy to pass on what has helped me with my heart, mind and passion. I help people to find their true selves in a complex, accelerated world with overstimulation and information overload and to live accordingly. ​ ​ biography ​ Child and youth coach i. A. and my project: TheHeartSpace Practitioner Logosynthesis Instructor Logosynthesis Trauma-sensitive coaching Further training in trauma, attachment behavior, autism spectrum disorders, AD (H) D, shadow work Cert. Integral Coach Institute Living Sense Cert. Life Purpose Coach Cert. Existential Well-Being Counselor, University of Leiden Supervisor of the HEART project Course leader at the University of Zurich (support for gifted primary school children) Lateral entry as a primary school teacher (not completed) English trainer in a business context Adult educator SVEB1 MA in English Linguistics and Literature Studies, Religious Studies, Philosophy Cantonal high school for adults KME KV travel agency 1969 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ This is what my clients say: ​ "Karin accompanied me during several sessions in a phase of professional reorientation, but also coached me in individual sessions before different, specific occasions. Tools not only suited me very well, but also led to positive results and lasting changes. The way in which Karin combined physical and breathing exercises with conversation always had a striking, lasting effect. Sensitive, with heart and a lot of skill Karin gave me exactly the support I needed and I still had the feeling that I could go my own way. I was impressed by how quickly she introduced me to the relevant topics, enabled me to take a close look and guide me in the change process. Anyone who wants to break old patterns and want to move forward is with Karin in competent, safe hands. " Sabine ​ Thank you Karin for your coaching session! How lost you are sometimes in your own thoughts and in what you think you have to do! I really needed a direction and had to find out what I really want in order to advance professionally. Whether I will then succeed is another question. Basically, however, I have enough energy - just "straightening out" the same and admitting my own needs, wishes and dreams - these are the topics for which you gave me space in one hour of consultation. You gave me the opportunity to organize my thoughts by asking the right questions. Thanks a lot for this!​ Catherine My Approach

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    Karin Athanasiou consistently essential Coach for Inner Freedom Nächster öffentlicher Kurs: ​ Schluss mit Selbstsabotage ​ Volkshochschule Bülach 22./29.5.24 18.30-21.30 Anmeldung direkt an der VHS Bülach More serenity through inner freedom. Inner freedom through coping with emotional stress. I love helping people live their full potential and find their inner freedom. Then: ​ Between stimulus and reaction is yours Freedom. ​ You already have all the solutions in you - I will only help you to find them, and any emotional blockages that prevent you from resolving quickly, completely and finally with Logosynthesis ®. With modern methods to the goal. ​ Change yourself, and everything else changes with it. You know what your next goal is. You know how to achieve it. You have your emotional obstacles along the way then dissolved. You have more inner freedom and options for action. What do you get from coaching? Contact Contact My quiet, bright coaching room is there at the Fabrikstrasse 50, 8005 Zurich not far from Josefswiese and Röntgenplatz. And of course also by zoom. ​ Just call: 076 335 15 40 or write me an email: Sent! You will hear from me shortly. Send

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